1 thought on “Taobao's new products do not rank high? Master these 7 weighting techniques and the traffic will rise immediately”

  1. Abstract: many sellers often say that there are still few visitors to the new products during the support period. In fact, Taobao's support for the new products is not to directly improve the ranking, but to give a certain amount of exposure. Today, I will share some tips on weighting the new products, so that the new products can have more opportunities to show, improve the ranking and get more traffic
    there is a certain gap between the new product and the popular product in all aspects. We can't directly compete with it, but we must make use of the exposure support given by the new product period to strive to improve the ranking of the baby by weight, so as to improve the transformation. Here are 7 weighting methods to share with you, so that our baby's weight is high

    1. A high DSR score increases the comprehensive search weight of the store
    if the DSR score increases for 7 consecutive days, the comprehensive quality score of the store will increase. A very important factor in determining the number of new product search support is the comprehensive quality score of your store. The higher the score, the more opportunities the baby will get. To improve the DSR score, we need to consider the actual situation of the store, mainly including fast logistics, good service attitude, small gifts, lottery activities, and creating surprises for customers. In short, try to get customers to give you a five-star favorable comment, and this score will be improved. On the contrary, if the DSR score is declining for seven consecutive days, then natural search will certainly decline
    2. The main picture highlights the core selling points
    because Taobao's support for new products is exposure, if we can't turn these exposures into clicks, there will be almost no traffic after the support period. To improve the click through rate, we have to mention the first picture. When users search for our baby, they all pass by in one stroke. If we can't catch his eye in a short time, we may miss this click! Therefore, we need to highlight the core selling points in the pictures. For example, the 6.1 children's day and the 6.18 year promotion are coming soon. During this period, when users search for babies, they will definitely wonder whether there is any discount. Then we need to highlight the discount in the first picture (of course, you can highlight the selling points according to your products)
    as shown in the figure below, the same type of baby has the same price. One of them highlights the selling point, and the other one does not. Which one would you choose

    3. Collection and purchase should be done well.
    the main function of collection and purchase is to make search engines feel that your products are popular and attractive. Because the conversion rate of the new product is naturally inferior to that of the old baby in terms of sales volume, it is impossible to compare them together. However, the collection and purchase of consumers are relatively fair. The ability to collect and purchase shows that consumers are interested in this baby and may be converted in the future. Therefore, in the new product period, we must try our best to guide the collection and purchase. Because once the user clicks baby, the five main pictures are likely to be finished!, Then we can put the information to guide the collection and purchase on page 2 or 3 of the main map! (examples are as follows.)
    4. Continuously improve the store level and improve the comprehensive search weight
    on the one hand, the store level can identify your key competitors and avoid direct competition with big sellers. On the one hand, it is the ceiling that restricts free traffic. If each level performs better than the average, there will be more and more traffic. Therefore, if other conditions remain unchanged, the higher the level of your store, the more support will be given to your new products
    click the seller Center - the right side of the business advisor to see the shop level. The store level and ranking are calculated according to the transaction amount of Alipay of Taobao merchants in the last 30 days, so you can try your best to increase your sales before going online
    5. Old customers buy back
    old customers buy back new products, and the weighting effect on new products is very good! Because the weight of old customers is twice that of new customers! Taobao system will capture the value of old customers according to the repurchase situation of old customers and allocate the weight. We can specially formulate some preferential activities for old customers to guide old customers to buy back for the second time. The weight of baby and the store will be higher and higher

    Click customer operation platform - customer management. If you have nothing to do, give more greetings to regular customers and send a coupon or random small gifts. It is feasible to consume XX Yuan and upgrade to the top member to enjoy x% discount
    6. Time to go on and off the shelf: when the new product is just launched, it has inherent disadvantages in popularity compared with those babies that have been sold well on Taobao (such as no collection, no sales, no evaluation, etc.). This is also why Taobao gives weight to the time to go on and off the shelf
    therefore, whether based on the commodity situation or the conformity psychology of netizens, the release of new products should try to avoid the release time of popular products. At the same time, Taobao's search engine will also give more search weight to new products on the shelves, so as to achieve a fair principle. At the same time, we should also consider the online time of the target group of the product
    for example, if our target audience is college students, their main time of surfing the Internet should be at night and on weekends; If our target audience is young mothers who take care of their children at home, their online time will be mainly concentrated in the daytime
    Click Business Consultant - Traffic - visitor analysis to see the time period with the most visitors! Here, we can see that the peak traffic of the stores in the figure is 22:00-22:59. If you arrange the time of loading and unloading in this time period, you can increase the weight, rank higher, and get more traffic ~

    7. The new products are consistent with the content labels of the hot sales in the stores. This is for the new products in the old stores. In general, the hot money in the store will account for more than half of the flow of the whole store, and the label of the store is mainly determined by the hot money. Now, influenced by the personalized traffic, after the new product is launched, the basic tags of the new product are mainly judged by the attributes, so as to match the personalized search traffic
    in short, drive the new model with the accurate flow of the popular model. When the personalized traffic enters the store, it is very likely to collect and purchase clothes with the same content or even place orders! When our collections are purchased and transformed, new search support will not be less! (therefore, it is important that the store style is consistent! Don't buy new products that are too different from the store style, so the system doesn't know what traffic should be allocated to you!)

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