1 thought on “How to buy children's accessories?”

  1. When choosing gold ornaments for children, the safety problem should be placed first. The first is the workmanship of gold jewelry, exaggerated shapes, and excessive edges and corners are not suitable for children. Children's skin is more delicate, and the jewelry cannot have problems such as burrs, sharp corners, etc. Otherwise, it is easy to scratch children's skin. The second is the firmness of gold jewelry. It is best not to be too complicated to wear jewelry for children, and be sure to pay attention to firmness. For example, children's necklaces, bracelets and other accessories should check whether the buckle and joints are safe. If the buckle is not firm, the gold jewelry will easily fall, and the baby will be accidentally eaten by the baby.
    So the kingdom of Songbao should pay attention to the following aspects: 1. Choose children's gold jewelry, and try to choose good materials. Children should not wear K gold jewelry. Metal jewelry with low purity and impurities is not only allergic to children with sensitive children. 2. The meaning is based on my country's tradition, children wearing golden zodiac pendants, which means auspiciousness and peace, and they are auspicious, and they are auspicious. Therefore, when choosing gold, you can choose some zodiac pendants, long -lived locks, gold bracelets, etc. Different styles have different symbolic significance. Parents can first understand their symbolic meaning when choosing.

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