1 thought on “Guide and disadvantages of ancient law gold bracelets”

  1. Advantages of ancient gold bracelets:
    1, high hardness
    Compared with gold and silver, ancient gold bracelets made by ancient methods will increase gold hardness, and there will be no deformation.
    2, high thickness
    The production of ancient gold bracelets will make the bracelet look thicker, very aging, and it is very consistent with the feeling of young people's national tide. At the same time, the sense of heavyness can also give people a sense of calmness. Wearing it out will increase your sense of stability, and it will not seem to be a man with irritable heart.
    3, high face value
    because the production of the ancient gold bracelets is artificially created by artificially, and the use of ancient method technology will give people a sense of "warm color, expensive but not showing, not dazzling" " It highlights the introverted and low -key adjustment, which fully reflects the characteristics of the ancient law.
    The disadvantages of ancient gold bracelets:
    This is not easy to inlaid
    . Although the hardness has improved, the ancient gold bracelet cannot be inlaid. Because the probability of drilling is still very large, it cannot be inlaid.
    The price is expensive
    Because the production of ancient law funds is manual, the required work consumption is relatively high, unlike ordinary machinery gold bracelets.
    The characteristics of the ancient method gold bracelet:
    The biggest feature of the ancient method of gold is the overall appearance of matte texture, the surface texture is uniform and flat, and the antique gold; The welding joint shows the beauty of the original ecology of the ancient method.
    The ancient method of gold is used for engraving. This process can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou dynasties, which has been nearly 3,000 years ago. The carving process is very complicated, with high requirements for technology and difficulty. The operators who operate must have a good comprehensive quality.

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