Construction elevator single cage and double cage difference? Which one should I choose?

Construction elevator with its convenient installation, wide application range, tiny footprint and additional advantages, to the construction industry has brought great convenience. The role of the construction elevator is to use the lifting cage to help the construction site transport workers or building materials. So, is the cage better? What's the difference between a single cage and a double cage? Which is the best deal to buy? hydraulic man lift for sale here.
Construction lift single cage and double cage difference
1. The load is different. In the construction lift, the load carrying capacity of the double cage is twice that of the single cage.
2. Different powers. With the same bearing capacity, the power of the double hanging cage is twice that of the single hanging cage, and the power consumption is twice that of the single hanging cage.
3. Work differently. The double hanging cage has one more hanging cage than the single hanging cage, which can carry extra things at a time, so the work efficiency is naturally higher than the single hanging cage.
Buy a single and double cage which is more affordable.​
The double hanging cage has one additional hanging cage than the single hanging cage, the cost will naturally be higher than the single hanging cage, and the power consumption will be greater, but the construction efficiency is higher than the single hanging cage. Therefore, if you want a low price, choose a single cage. If you want to be efficient, choose a double cage. In fact, the cage is only a part of the price of the elevator, which is mainly determined by the type, height and configuration of the equipment selected by the buyer.

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