Do you have an experience of entrepreneurship? What projects do you choose to start a business?

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  1. 1. Do you have enough capital to start a business? Entrepreneurship must be invested in capital first, and entrepreneurs who have not invested most of them are called themselves hired themselves.

    2. How much do you have to lose? Entrepreneurship investment does not necessarily return, and early loss of money will happen.

    3. Do you know your entrepreneurial project? Do you really like your project, are you an expert in this area or you have a certain job experience in this industry to make you uniquely judge this market.

    4. Do you know your competitors? Compared with your peers, what are the competitiveness, how can you break out compared with them?

    5. Is your team fighting power? Entrepreneurship requires entrepreneurial partners. Whether your entrepreneurial team can cooperate smoothly, has cohesion, perform his duties, and execute.

    6. Do you know your customers? Why do they have to choose your products and services, and what communication channels do you prepare to adopt them to let them know your products and spend your products. This is called customer acquisition cost.

    7. Do you know your entrepreneurial project upstream and downstream partners? Do you have a unique advantage compared with their integrated ability compared to their peers? This is called supply chain management.

    . As the saying goes, "Everything is difficult". This is a bit right. The first step in the process of entrepreneurship is to choose a project. It is possible to go further. Finding an entrepreneurial project has no idea? Then I will bring you the two principles of choosing projects, hoping to help everyone choose a suitable entrepreneurial project.

    The principle of selection of entrepreneurial projects: Carefully select the mature and overheated industry

    The entrepreneur when choosing a project when choosing a project, you choose to enter A red sea, or almost solidified market. Most of the competitors have been working in the industry for many years. You are a new entrepreneur who entered the game. Insufficient funds, shortage of customers, and dying quickly.

    The entrepreneurial project in mature industries, often like eggs touching stones. The takeaway O2O industry is very mature, and it is easy to gain a lot of entrepreneurial experience and strategies. However, the cruel fact is that the current takeaway O2O industry is occupied by Meituan and hungry. You choose this entrepreneurial project. When choosing an overheated industry, it will encounter fierce competition, just like the time when the bicycle sharing air outlet is blowing, the entrepreneurs pour in madly. As a result, the feathers of the industry, the leader of the industry's leader in the industry is also at stake. Entrepreneurship projects, like shuddering in the fire.

    The principle of selection of entrepreneurial projects 2: Project costs should be controlled

    For an entrepreneur, the cost of entrepreneurial projects cannot be avoided. If you have only 100,000 yuan in your hands, it is obviously impossible to choose 1 million entrepreneurial projects, you can use these 100,000 yuan at most. Some people say that it is difficult for ordinary entrepreneurs to go to loans or find venture capitals. If the loan fails, it is likely that they will no longer turn over, and venture capital is to invest in people with successful entrepreneurship.

    It, I also have to give entrepreneurs a suggestion, that is, insufficient funds, it is best not to enter the traditional industry. The small tea shop starts more than 100,000 funds. Point selection is more expensive. The entrepreneurial project of Internet cross -border e -commerce is different. It is in a wind in today's society, with government support and enjoying many preferential policies. The cost of entrepreneurship has been greatly reduced. There is a computer or a smartphone to open the road of entrepreneurship, and even if the entrepreneurial failure fails, it is easy to come back.

    This is currently starting a business. It is a post -90s post -90s. I have experienced three entrepreneurial projects:

    1. Internet education, I used to have the idea of ​​being a teacher. Accounting majors, naturally I have taught accounting online, and they are not invested. The main enrollment can be recruited;

    2. Cross -border e -commerce. Suitable for me, you need to keep your computer every day, choose products, respond to customer chat, negotiate delivery, etc., no weekends, no traffic in the early stage, no traffic, it is difficult to do; r
    3. Small, you can do it with a order. He is born in the financial accounting department. He has 5 years of fiscal taxation experience. There is no problem doing this.

    . Let me share my real experience.

    First of all, I am in 1996. A young man who is struggling in the countryside is cross -border e -commerce, mainly selling domestic products through this platform. The investment is not big, you can choose at home, I do the self -delivery model, and I do n’t need to ship myself. It operates three or four stores in the company, and the pure profit of the monthly store can reach 20,000-30000. If you really want to start a business now, I suggest not to do the physical industry, unless you really have a lot of money. It is not easy for young people to invest in doing something. They must choose well and work hard.

    advantages and specialties.

    I choose Amazon cross -border e -commerce investment in the early stage and simple operation. One person can operate the income or good. There are still policy support for the country now. It is still very good to do.

    has experienced entrepreneurial experience. Now let me talk about it and communicate with you by the way.

    I I started being a company in 2013 and the advertising media industry. Why do you choose such an industry to start a business because I am optimistic about his subsequent profit margins. Compared with the manufacturing industry, it is necessary to enter raw materials, buy machinery and equipment, hire a large number of personnel, and then process it, sell, this is the basic process of traditional industries.

    Is when a batch of products are sold out, they need to buy raw materials before continuing production and processing. The costs generated here are more and complicated. For example, the cost of buying raw materials, the cost of purchasing machinery and equipment, the salary of technical workers, the salary of ordinary workers, and a series of sales costs. At the same time, we must also worry about the core issue of raw material price increases. When a processing cycle is over and the next processing cycle starts, once the raw material price increases, you will face the problem of reducing profits or products to increase the price. As soon as your product increases the price, whether the market space will shrink and become a difficult problem.

    The reason why I choose the advertising media industry, the cost of this industry only has a large early stage.

    First of all, to buy a large number of media communication platforms, that is, advertising screens, procurement equipment, this is a cost.

    Secondly, workers install advertising screens, construction costs.

    , but after these two tasks are completed, these costs are not required in a short time. It can be used after one -time installation is completed.

    Then the sales staff can go to expand the business. Through the advertising screen, I can also advertise myself, and then go to other platforms to invest in some advertisements. When a customer chooses to cooperate with us, I just need to arrange the advertisement time to play the broadcast time and import him into my screen to play. After the advertisement screen is installed, only the advertisement needs to be played to create profits continuously. At the beginning of the second production cycle, the cost of "raw materials" mentioned earlier said. In this way, the profit margin has increased greatly.

    The traditional manufacturing industry, most of the costs are invested in the cost, while the final profit space is only about 15%-30%. It is also difficult for old -fashioned companies to reach a profit of 50%. As for the advertising media bank, as I said earlier, after installing the advertising screen in the early stage, you only need to play advertisements to make money later. Basically, there is no large cost consumption. Therefore Reach about 65-65.

    how to do business, especially entrepreneurial, can not only stare at making money. When the enterprise has a certain scale, you have to consider social responsibility and the sense of belonging of employees in the enterprise. After the profit is generated, actively give back to the society and give back to colleagues and employees who work hard. After all, enterprises can not make it alone by themselves. They have gathered many outstanding talents and worked with you to have the ultimate results.

    The decision how far the company can go is definitely not your turnover and your profits. Instead, you depend on the re -distribution of profits, divide the equity to employees, and collectively hold shares, so as to better inspire everyone to create greater value.

    The vision and pattern are not only after you succeed, but continue to temper and grow on the road to entrepreneurship. These experiences are far more important than creating profits,

    because you create value. It is precisely because of the big pattern and great perspective that there is a series of international companies.

    The business, hard but happy, long -term. I hope what I say can help you.

    In young people can start with the following such as breakfast shops, car fans clubs, beauty care, and children's toys. It is a good entrepreneurial project. Why do you say that? Many people are starting to care about health issues. Rough grain noodles and existing soymilk have become everyone's favorite breakfast food. The miscellaneous breakfast shops everywhere have become popular investment projects that are favored by many entrepreneurs. If the breakfast shop is selected well, the business will not be bad.

    2. Fan clubs, with the popularity of cars, people's understanding and love of cars have increased day by day. The rapid growth of professional car fans and the expansion of fans teams have become stronger and stronger. If the car club is opened, it must be an entrepreneurial business opportunity that complies with the market. Why don't friends who want to make money not try it?

    3. You can do beauty care. Women's "beautiful industries" have great opportunities to make money. China's current beauty industry market is about 300 billion yuan per year, and the beauty economy is increasing at a rate of 15%per year. High profits, huge markets have difficulty counting beauty new products every year, high -tech care instruments, high -tech slimming equipment

    4. You can engage in a children's toy market. The year has made money, but it has not affected its popularity at all. At present, in the country, especially the township market, there is still lack of sales of toys stores, and the overall consumption of children's toys is also serious.

    The precautions:

    1. Do everything must be persistent and not given up halfway, otherwise the bamboo basket is empty.

    2. After starting a business, beware of being deceived in the guise of investing.

    It is also thinking about whether to go to start a business

    is not yet entrepreneurial, just a sideline,
    n Paper towels, four yuan purchase, sell 15 and two.

    How to say it, I have been doing it for so long, and I have made a lot of money for a part -time tissue to make a lot of money than my salary, so I want to resign, and then sell paper towels myself

    The cross -border e -commerce has a lot of wind. For Xiaobai, when it comes to cross -border e -commerce, you will think of Amazon. I also wanted to be Amazon, but Amazon had too high funds and teams, and this threshold could not be crossed. I heard that Shopee was a new platform by accident, but the development prospects were very good. I went to understand it. I was a kind of successful type that I wanted to do a success. I also stepped on a lot of pits in the middle. For example, the training courses reported online have smashed thousands of thousands of concepts. There are still many problems in practice. Later, I found a e -commerce company and wanted to try it to try it. Water, the details in the middle are not much to say. In short, the most afraid of cross -border e -commerce is to build a car behind closed doors, especially the SHOPEE platform rules are changing. Only continuous learning can grow faster. If you have to explore everything yourself, you can understand that the wind is over. Over

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